K-8 Grandparents/Special Friend Day with 12:00 Dismissal

K-8 Grandparents/Special Friend Day with 12:00 Dismissal

We are excited to welcome back our K-8 students' grandparents/special friends!

Wednesday, October 5, is the day!  Can't attend?  Here's the link to hear the Grandparents Day Chapel: 
Live Stream Link for Grandparents Day Chapel

A light breakfast and time of fellowship for the Grandparents will begin at 8:15 in the cafeteria with a music-filled chapel in the gym to follow at approximately 9:15.  The 5th graders will display their Wax Museum in the hallway near the Music Room after chapel.  Then the Grandparents are off to the classrooms with special activities planned just for them in each classroom. 

However, if Grandparents would rather dismiss their grandchild from their classroom right after the program, they are welcome to do so. If this is the case, we would still ask grandparents to come to the classroom to get their grandchild.

We have an early dismissal at noon and no hot lunch will be served.  This gives Grandparents the unique opportunity to take their grandchildren out to eat or take them home and enjoy lunch together there. 

We are looking forward to this very special event for Grandparents on October 5!


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